Just some stuff

Trying stuff, living the life of a true Millenial developer that uses Github to publish everything

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1 July 2019

Caliburn.Micro conventions

by Maskime

Caliburn.Micro conventions

More details on Caliburn.Micro’s conventions

CM applies a serie of conventions when it comes to binding. When you’re using x:Name="[Property Name]", CM will look in its conventions to know what property to bind to.

Those conventions are plateform dependent, for this document I will focus on the WPF plateform since I’m using this one right now.

Control Property Name Parameter Property Event triggering the notification
ButtonBase ButtonBase.ContentProperty DataContext Click
ContentControl ContentControl.ContentProperty DataContext Loaded
DatePicker DatePicker.SelectedDateProperty SelectedDate SelectedDateChanged
DocumentViewer DocumentViewer.DocumentProperty DataContext Loaded
Expander Expander.IsExpandedProperty IsExpanded Expanded
FrameworkElement FrameworkElement.VisibilityProperty DataContext Loaded
Hyperlink Hyperlink.DataContextProperty DataContext Click
Image Image.SourceProperty Source Loaded
Label Label.ContentProperty Content DataContextChanged
Menu Menu.ItemsSourceProperty DataContext Click
MenuItem MenuItem.ItemsSourceProperty DataContext Click
PasswordBox null Password PasswordChanged
ProgressBar ProgressBar.ValueProperty Value ValueChanged
RichTextBox RichTextBox.DataContextProperty DataContext TextChanged
Slider Slider.ValueProperty Value ValueChanged
StatusBar StatusBar.ItemsSourceProperty DataContext Loaded
Selector Selector.ItemsSourceProperty SelectedItem SelectionChanged
Shape Shape.VisibilityProperty DataContext MouseLeftButtonUp
ToolBar ToolBar.ItemsSourceProperty DataContext Loaded
ToolBarTray ToolBarTray.VisibilityProperty DataContext Loaded
TreeView TreeView.ItemsSourceProperty SelectedItem SelectedItemChanged
TabControl TabControl.ItemsSourceProperty ItemsSource SelectionChanged
TabItem TabItem.ContentProperty DataContext DataContextChanged
TextBox TextBox.TextProperty Text TextChanged
TextBlock TextBlock.TextProperty Text DataContextChanged
ToggleButton ToggleButton.IsCheckedProperty IsChecked Click
UserControl UserControl.VisibilityProperty DataContext Loaded
Window Window.DataContextProperty DataContext Loaded

Hopefuly this is useful to someone, I have some serious doubt as more and more I look into stackoverflow and more and more I realise that WPF seems to be a technology of the past.

Anyway I’m still looking for the conventions that are related to the actions.

For instance, did you know that you can enable/disable a button by having a Can method ?:

# In Xaml
<...:Button x:Name="MyButton" />

# In ViewModel

public string MyButton {get;set;} // allows you to set the Content of the button

public bool CanMyButton(){} // allows you to enable/disable the button

public bool MyButtonIsVisible {get;set;} // allows you to set the visibility of the button

And this is all I got for now. I’ve been looking in the documentation of CM for some time and I could not find anything related to those functionalities.

I also looked on google, still no luck, all the examples that I gave above have been found by pure coincidence on stackoverflow on post that were not obviously related to that…

If anyone has some input regarding that, it’d be more than helpful.

Happy Coding.
